
Triple M maintains a groundwater monitoring system to ensure protection of groundwater resources at and in the vicinity of the facility. Currently there are 11 monitoring wells all located on the facility property. Here is a picture of monitoring wells 1A and 1B.

Monitoring Wells

When a petroleum related product is received at Triple M, it is first dumped into Sludge Pit #1, where it allows any solids to settle to the bottom. After any solids have settled, the product then flows into Sludge Pit #2, which allows the product to be pumped into the […]

Process at Triple M Land Farms, Inc.

We solve tough problems here. The mission and intent at Triple M Land Farms, Inc. Franklin (Simpson County), Kentucky is to give the Generator of non-hazardous petroleum impacted soil an alternative disposal method other than a solid waste landfill. We are conveniently located in southern Kentucky between Bowling Green, Kentucky and Nashville, Tennessee. We […]

Triple M Land Farms is a Complete and Total Recycle ...